Pastor Paul Martin (Assistant Pastor)

paulPeace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

When I was in second grade I informed my parents that I was going to be a pastor. Over the years I was also going to be a Coast Guard helicopter pilot, a paramedic, race sailboats, and a lawyer, among other careers. But God had other plans for me. Through it all He was acting in my life to keep me in His church. From youth groups as a child, to Bible studies and fellowship, the church has always been the most important part of my life spiritually and culturally.

Being a member of Faith Lutheran for the last 30 years has been very formative in my life, my wife and I were married here in 1990, and helping out at church has always been a priority in our lives. When the opportunity presented itself to be a pastor, and be a pastor here - it was a dream come true. I feel that God has been leading me to this place in this time my entire life.

Faith Lutheran is a Church that offers many rich and varied experiences and resources to the members and the community; wonderful worship services, music programs, a school that provides excellence in education and the opportunity to know their Father in heaven, great friends and fellowship, Youth groups that are active in helping the under served and sometimes forgotten individual, and so much more! This place cares about people, you can feel it everywhere, and I am blessed to be a part of that.ATT_1438713169624_2015-08-04 11.28.36
(Pastor Martin with the Tuesday Morning Bible Study.)